Written by Mike Druttman
Fact checked by Nick Zelver
Updated Mar, 2024

There are a few limitations to using mSpy for tracking bookmarks. It includes the need for browser and device compatibility, it only tracks bookmarked sites without context on duration and frequency, and the potential privacy issues. Additionally, mSpy needs to be physically installed, requires stable internet connection to transfer data, and might be affected by software updates in the target device.


The Boundaries of Bookmark Tracking with mSpy

As I delved into testing out mSpy’s monitoring features, I quickly realized that no tool is perfect. And this was as much about learning what its limits were as understanding where it excelled. Here’s what I found when it came to using it specifically for bookmark tracking:


mSpy's Compatibility Limits

mSpy’s ability to track bookmarks can be heavily influenced by the browser being used on the target device. The good news is that it supports a number of popular browsers including:

  • Google Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Edge

However not all browsers can support mSpy’s tracking technology in full, meaning some may have limited information relayed back or not relay any at all.


The Scope of Bookmark Monitoring

mSpy will show you which sites have been bookmarked but does not provide insights into all websites visited unless they are saved as a bookmark. This means that there will likely be gaps in online activity data.


Lack of Detailed Visit Context

While you’ll know which sites have been bookmarked, you won’t know how often or how long they’ve been visited for. Without this context, getting a clear picture of online behavior can be difficult if not impossible.


Installation and Connectivity Challenges

Setting up mSpy requires physical access to the device, which itself could pose challenges depending on your relationship with the person's phone or computer you’re trying to monitor activities on.

Having a stable internet connection is crucial too since connectivity problems during data transfers could lead to incomplete data.


Impact of Software Updates

It’s worth noting that mSpy may experience issues following device or browser updates. So if the person using the target device frequently installs new software, is prone to updating their phone, or is a regular early-adopter to tech, bookmark tracking might not be as easy as it seems with mSpy.


Personal Takeaways

  • Make sure that the browser and device are compatible for effective bookmark tracking.
  • mSpy only tracks bookmarked sites — there’s no broader browsing context.
  • Considerations on ethics are important when using mSpy.
  • Physical access to the device and stable internet connection are required.
  • Be prepared for potential disruptions following software updates.

mSpy provides an interesting view into bookmarked sites, but like any tool, it has its limitations. By understanding these limitations you’ll be able to set realistic expectations and use this tool responsibly. So for anyone considering mSpy bookmarks specifically for tracking, I hope these insights help paint a better picture of what its capabilities are.