Written by Michael Steiner
Fact checked by Mike Druttman
Updated Jul, 2024

At first, I thought I should check how well does mSpy fare in tracking Skype. After all, it’s more than just a regular spying software. In this article, I will share my experiences and insights about why mSpy is efficient at monitoring Skype.


Skype messages supervision

With mSpy, you can read every single text sent or received through Skype on the monitored device. This includes contact information as well as timestamps giving you a complete view of conversations.

Use case: Parents and employers can use it to detect cyberbullying or any other form of inappropriate messages.


Skype calls tracking

mSpy also has the power to track both incoming and outgoing calls on Skype.

So how can I monitor Skype calls with mSpy? Just navigate to ‘Social Networks’ on your dashboard, click on Skype and you’ll see everything you need. It provides such information as the date and time of each call creating a clear timeline for call activities.

The only downside is that it tracks metadata only instead of call audio.

mSpy Skype monitoring
mSpy Skype monitoring


Supervising group chats on skype

In order to make the process easier, this piece of spying software lets you see everything that’s being discussed in a group chat such as other participants’ names and timestamps thus giving you an understanding about group dynamics.


Tracking files shared through skype

There are certain types of files shared through Skype that mSpy can track. These include:

  • Documents
  • Images
  • Other media files

Therefore you can be sure what’s being exchanged between people is safe or appropriate especially if minors are involved or it happens in a business setting like an office.


Detailed skype text messaging reports

Curious what insights are waiting for you in mSpy’s reports about tracked skype messages? This software delivers detailed reports which include:

  • Contact lists
  • Brief summaries of recent conversations.
  • Full chat texts with timestamps.
  • Multimedia shared through the app.

It’s this level of detail that helps you get a good grasp about how skype is being used.


Personal observations and final thoughts on using mSpy to monitor skype

Having explored mSpy’s tracking features for skype, I feel confident in saying that this piece of software does its job extremely well. It delivers a wealth of information that captures the essence of skype exchanges with impressive accuracy.

A minor downside to mention includes no recording for voice calls but this fact despite having an extensive feature set doesn’t significantly reduce its overall usefulness.

When it comes to thorough surveillance vs ease-of-use, mSpy offers an optimal solution for monitoring skype. Its efficiency in capturing meaningful data makes it a valuable resource for anyone looking to ensure digital safety and transparency during their skype chats.

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