Written by Michael Steiner
Fact checked by Nick Zelver
Updated Jul, 2024

SMS monitoring has come a long way, and mSpy is at the forefront of this evolution. Here's a deep dive into its capabilities.


Initial thoughts

The ability to monitor SMS on Android and iOS devices is nothing new, but it’s an important feature that can’t be taken for granted. The first time I came across SMS monitoring was in the context of mSpy, and I found it fascinating that this tool allows us to directly access text messages from monitored devices.

I decided to put together an elaborate guide on how to monitor SMS with mSpy. This article incorporates personal insights and experiences that should help you understand and use this feature efficiently.

mSpy SMS monitoring
mSpy SMS monitoring


The dual-faced approach: android and iOS

mSpy approaches SMS monitoring differently depending on the operating system used by the target device:

  • On Android, mSpy provides direct access to text messages. As a result, you will get comprehensive logs of sent messages as well as those received. Each log entry contains not only message content but also sender/recipient information and timestamps.

This method ensures comprehensive real-time monitoring because as soon as a message lands in the monitored inbox, you can view it in your control panel.

  • On iOS, things are more complicated because of Apple’s restrictions. You cannot directly access messages on an iPhone or iPad, even if it’s jailbroken (mSpy does not require jailbreaking for SMS monitoring). Instead, mSpy syncs with iCloud backups.

This method seems less intrusive because it doesn’t require jailbreaking but also comes with some drawbacks. First of all, its effectiveness depends on how often a monitored device makes backups in iCloud (they have to be made at least once every 24 hours). Secondly, we’re at risk of delays when retrieving messages using this approach. Last but not least, there may be gaps in our surveillance because some data won’t make it into iCloud backups.


Recovering deleted messages: a tricky terrain

It’s hard to give a straight answer whether you can recover deleted text messages using mSpy because much depends on the operating system used by the target device.

Here’s what I learned:

  • With Android, you may get back some deleted text messages if they were erased after mSpy was installed on a monitored device. The reason why we have this “if” clause here is that mSpy retrieves deleted texts from internal logs maintained by Android OS itself. If a message was deleted before being backed up by Android OS itself (or if it was deleted after being backed up), there is no chance for us to recover it using mSpy.

If someone very tech-savvy gets their hands dirty with their rooted smartphone, they could use dedicated tools or adb shell command line utility to read someone else’s texts stored locally by their phone.

On non-rooted devices (most people don’t want or know how to root their smartphones), there are only so many things we can do about recovering texts post-deletion.

  • With iOS, there is another “it depends” here. Again: we may recover some erased text messages if they were included in one of recent backups stored in iCloud.

Apple protects user data with strong encryption mechanisms that thwart most recovery attempts including ours’. If someone enabled end-to-end encryption for iMessage service or encrypted their entire phone storage with an impossible-to-crack passphrase (or worse – biometric authentication), we won’t be able to help you recover these specific text messages.


Ethical considerations: balancing monitoring with privacy

I’ve been writing about spy apps for years now and let me tell you one thing: each time I sit down to write about another surveillance tool I feel like I need to remind my readers about ethics.

Monitoring other people is wrong unless we do that within legal boundaries defined by our local legislations and only when we have good reasons to do so.

SMS monitoring seems particularly dangerous when discussing ethical issues because these little snippets of text often carry sensitive information between friends or family members.

We’re talking about passwords sent between two trusted people who think no-one would ever eavesdrop on them; sexting between lovers; bank account numbers shared within families; details about surprise birthday parties discussed between close friends – all these are examples from real life where spying upon someone’s texts might reveal more than we bargained for when purchasing spyware licenses.

At the same time there are legitimate uses for such tools like maintaining open relationships within families where parents monitor kids’ digital lives without breaching trust; employers who make sure company-owned phones are used solely for work-related tasks; catching cheating spouses red-handed – although spying upon loved ones feels kind of wrong… It should prompt couples involved in spying operations towards talking openly about problems instead sneaking behind themselves’ backs!


Technical nuances: rooting and jailbreaking

I already told you quite enough about these two processes while explaining basics about phone tracking software overall so I will keep this section short:

Jailbreaking used to be mandatory if one wanted full control over what gets installed on their iPhone as well as unlock access crucial system logs maintained by iOS itself until Check Point figured out how they could abuse an obscure mobile device management protocol used mostly by enterprises called MDM (Mobile Device Management) – remember MobileIron? This company produced both legit MDM solutions and infrastructure necessary for hacking into any iPhone running any version of Apple’s mobile operating system! Thanks to Check Point Apple fixed both vulnerabilities abused during Check Point’s live hacking demo session at one Black Hat conference!

Nowadays Apple caught up so much with security patches released both separately and bundled together inside newer iOS versions regularity preventing jailbreak community from finding new exploits necessary for creating new jailbreaks! That’s why most recent iPhones cannot be spied upon using full-fledged parental control applications unless parents give up some features like website blocking! At least until someone finds another exploit…

Rooting opens similar doors over at team Android: initially mandatory now optional thanks Google introducing safety measures such SafetyNet alongside hardware-based security mechanisms built right into System-on-a-Chip solutions powering most modern smartphones!

If you need rooting just go ahead follow instructions displayed right inside your Control Panel after logging into your account from a computer screen connected towards Internet!


Alternatives and complementary strategies

There are many ways one could monitor SMS:

Some phones come equipped right out-of-the-box with SMS-monitoring features!

There are also third-party messaging applications including WhatsApp messenger which gained popularity lately thanks Facebook acquiring them making users fear privacy changes! Oh wait – Facebook changed its name towards Meta while promising not integrating WhatsApp Messenger infrastructure containing end-to-end encrypted chats into its own Messenger application allowing scanning chat contents towards ad targeting purposes! Just kidding – last part didn’t happen yet!

The most important thing IOS users need keep in mind regarding effective SMS-monitoring is enabling continuous iCloud backups!



As a self-proclaimed tech nerd who likes analyzing technology dimensions through practical experiments my deep dive into textual surveillance capabilities offered by mspy resulted into several important insights:

Each platform requires individualized approach hence demands different strategies;

Android allows instant observation while ios demands regularity plus patience waiting towards backup happening;

It might prove difficult regaining access onto deleted texts due various reasons mentioned above;

When discussing sms-monitoring issues arise ethical questions which must answered individually;

mSpy seems perfect match those looking efficient smartphone surveillance solution provided aren’t afraid dealing technicalities rooting plus handling installation process!

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