Written by Mike Druttman
Fact checked by Nick Zelver
Updated Mar, 2024

Indeed, it can. If you are on an Apple device, with mSpy you would be able to check the contents of these messages as well as the senders’ and recipients’ identities. To track iMessages however, the target iOS device must be jailbroken as well as ensuring that the legal rights about monitoring are considered.


When I thought of using mSpy one thing I kept thinking about was whether it effectively tracks popular Apple users messaging platform – iMessage. My curiosity for this feature arose from my need to stay updated on some communications going on in an iOS device.


Unlocking iMessages Monitoring

mspy’s capability to track iMessages opened up a new dimension of monitoring for me. It allowed access not only to the text of the messages but also to the intricate details of the interactions, including sender and recipient information. In particular, one felt that this feature helped understand context and content of conversations.


The Prerequisite: Jailbreaking for Access

One important lesson concerned having to jailbreak (unlocking) targeted iOS devices. This is a somewhat technical process but one necessary for bypassing built-in restrictions in iOS so that accessing data from iMessages by mSpy becomes possible.

Keep in mind: This is a step that should be taken cautiously due to its implications over warranty and security issues associated with your device.


Insights Gained from iMessages Tracking

Monitoring content revealed a lot more than just what people were saying during their conversations. The frequency of contacts, nature of relationships involved and even tones taken during discussions were all evident through tracking these messages.

For those parents who monitor their children’s activities on iMessage, this gave them more insight into whom they were talking to and what they were discussing about.


Concluding Reflections

An outstanding addition is made by mSpy iMessages ability to oversee communication in iPhone devices through the tracking app which manages the created conversations. It is a great tool that works effectively and does not disappoint, hence it provides thorough monitoring capacities.