Written by Mike Druttman
Fact checked by Nick Zelver
Updated Mar, 2024

mSpy can monitor different kinds of SMS messages, which include those sent and received, deleted texts, multimedia messages such as pictures and videos or group chats’ messages providing an all-inclusive look into all the text communications happening on the target device.


Setting the Scene

When I started with mSpy, my interest was in understanding whether it could monitor SMS. However, what I found was a tool that went beyond just spying on regular text messages. MSpy’s ability to tap into this vast field of SMS communication opened up new prospects for understanding and enlightment.


A Wide Range of SMS Monitoring

The capabilities of mSpy in monitoring are varied:

  • Sent Messages: It captures all text messages from the device revealing not only what is contained in the message but also details about the recipient.
  • Received Messages: This feature similarly tracks incoming texts giving insights about any person who communicates with the user of that particular phone.
  • Deleted Messages: One intriguing feature is its ability to recover deleted messages. This feature opens up a whole new world around conversations.
  • Multimedia Messages (MMS): In addition to plain text monitoring, mSpy keeps an eye on MMs including audios, images and videos.
  • Group Messages: Group chat monitoring is another aspect; it lets you see how groups communicate.


Personal Discoveries and Insights

From this experience, one gets a sense of how intricate and deep conversations through SMS can be. Through monitoring sent and received texts, it became quite clear how people were communicating. Accessing erased messages was particularly fascinating since they often revealed hidden talks.

This made me appreciate media tracking; more than just hearing voices talking, but seeing what they are sharing hence creating richer environment while holding discussions.Meanwhile,(Furthermore) tracking group conversation allowed me to understand social circles at large even when particular interactions were concerned.


Beyond Just Texts: Understanding the Full Picture

The thing which struck me most about mSpy SMS tracking was its ability to give an overall insight into communication. It is not just reading texts; it is understanding the underlying intentions, contexts and relationships. As a parent who would like to know the conversations that one’s children are having or as an employer who wants to ensure proper use of company resources, this spying application offers the right tools for getting the complete picture.


The Bottom Line

There are different types of SMS messages that mSpy can monitor hence making it a valuable tool for individuals who want to dig deeper into their target devices’ text-based communications.