Written by Mike Druttman
Fact checked by Nick Zelver
Updated Mar, 2024

It is important to note that mSpy does not have any Viber message keyword tracking. However, this program can monitor the keywords in other platforms and features that can be useful for supervision purposes.


Important to Remember

Remember that mSpy does not provide keyword tracking for Viber messages but rather on other platforms and functionalities which are highly significant when monitoring your child’s online activities.


Here’s How to Use mSpy Keyword Tracking on These Supported Features: 

1. Install mSpy

Ensure you have installed mSpy on your child’s device. After buying a suitable subscription, follow the process of installation which will be provided by the website.


2. Set Up Keyword Alerts

  • Use your details to sign in into your dashboard in mSpy.
  • Go to control panel or settings section.
  • There should be an option for ‘Keyword Alerts’.
  • Put in the particular words you want monitored for instance SMS, Skype, browser history, email, browser bookmarks and also WhatsApp. The filter may apply just to specific applications or all of them as well.


3. Activate Alerts

  • On completion of setting up key words activate alerts.
  • You can specify how these alerts can reach you either through email or notifications via mSpy dashboard settings menu or whatever options they give you there; it’ll vary depending upon what device with internet access one uses though – some devices allow for more customization options while others don’t offer any at all except turning off the sounds entirely like mine did so here goes nothing really – hope that made sense too since these prompts always seem so vague sometimes! Anyways back onto point again…..


4. Monitor and Respond

  • Once activated, the specified platforms will be examined by mspy for those key phrases only.
  • When any of those targeted phrases are detected then according to what way you chose earlier; an alert would pop-up reminding about its presence.


Closing Thoughts

Not having the ability to track keywords on this particular messaging app mSpy Viber it is a disadvantage but it can be successful in using the same feature on other applications and platforms. It remains an important tool for observing safety in different digital settings where your child interacts with others.