Written by Mike Druttman
Fact checked by Nick Zelver
Updated Mar, 2024

To view WhatsApp messages being tracked by mSpy, log in to the mSpy account, go to dashboard, click on 'Social Networks' under the categories section and then visit the WhatsApp page to see all tracked messages such as texts, media files etc.


The Basics

This app captivated me with its ability to follow up on WhatsApp messages; hence I decided to find out about accessing them and their depth. So, I wanted to learn how this online spyware tackles this task.


A Straightforward But Detailed Guide

In order to make it easier for you understand and follow along better, from my own experience and research with ms py, I have compiled a detailed step-by-step guide:

  1. Logging into mSpy: The first thing you’ll need to do is access your mSpy account. You can do so either by logging in via the website or using the app after you sign up which is completely secure.
  2. Accessing the Dashboard: The dashboard is the main interface that controls all monitoring activities of mSpy. It was simple and straight forward getting here.
  3. Locating the WhatsApp Section: In most cases within the dashboard, one will find such information under ‘Social Networks’. This organization helped me quickly get where exactly these records were stored at.
  4. Viewing Tracked Messages In general: The place where i found all these logs was called an MSpy WhatsApp section which showed everythinig including texts,multimedia files ,dates,times etc. Such great level of details provided a total picture of what happened on whatsapp.


Personal Observations and Conclusion

  • mSpy WhatsApp has an organized dashboard which makes it easy for anyone to check their WhatsApp conversations with friends.
  • Informational richness goes down even into specific media traces and timestamps thus allowing people an overall grasp on how whatsapp works.
  • The dashboard updates in real time so that you’re always aware of what’s going on.
  • Throughout, mSpy is discreet, keeping the monitoring process confidential.

I had this experience in that mSpy offers a very simple and detailed interface to track WhatsApp messages thereby becoming a powerful tool. Mspy is an effective tool that allows parents to monitor their children’s activities or safeguard them against threats. What determines how the tool is used responsibly?